Figure 1.
(a) The intermediate scattering function Φ(Q, t) of (CuZr)96Al4 at a Q value of 0.7 Å−1 at six measured temperatures. The solid lines are the fitting of the KWW function in the α-relaxation time range. (b) The dynamic susceptibility χT(t) of (CuZr)96Al4 at a Q value of 0.7 Å−1 on a linear-log scale. (c) The four-point correlation function χ4 for all types of atoms of (Cu50Zr50)Al4 liquid. (d) A snapshot of (Cu50Zr50)Al4 liquid at 923 K with mobility of grey atoms substantially slower than red atoms. To visible the mobilities of interior atoms, a sliced simulation box is shown.