height images taken in-solution of continuous, supported
lipid bilayers of TBLE, TBLE + 10% SM, TBLE + 20% SM, TBLE + 5% GM1,
and TBLE + 10% GM1 prior to exposure to any htt-exon1(51Q). (B) Sequential
AFM height images taken in-solution of supported TBLE bilayers exposed
to htt-exon1(51Q). Blue rectangles identify the same region of the
surface in the sequential images. (C) Zoomed-in AFM images demonstrating
the rough, grainy morphological changes induced in a pure TBLE bilayer
by htt-exon1(51Q). Blue arrows indicate oligomeric aggregates. (D)
Height and volume histograms of oligomeric aggregates observed on
TBLE bilayers presented as a function of time. To ease visualization,
the histograms were normalized for each time point by setting the
value of the most common height or volume to 1.