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. 2018 Jan 31;22:26. doi: 10.1186/s13054-017-1931-7

Table 2.

Lung mechanics, gas exchange, and hemodynamics data

Variable PEEP 5 incremental phase PEEP 10 incremental phase PEEP 15 PEEP 10 decremental phase PEEP 5 decremental phase Friedman test p value
VT, ml/kg IBW 7.4 [7.0–7.8] 7.5 [7.2–7.8] 7.6 [7.4–7.8] 7.6 [7.4–7.8] 7.6 [7.4–7.8] 0.171
RR, breaths/minute 15 [14–16] 16 [15–18] 16 [14–18] 16 [14–18] 15 [14–18] 0.275
MV, L/minute 6.4 [5.8–6.6] 6.9 [6.4–7.7] 6.8 [6.5–8.0] 6.8 [6.5–8.4] 6.8 [6.4–7.8] 0.222
Ppeak, cmH2O 21 [19–28] 28 [26–30]a 34 [32–35]a,b 27 [25–30]a,c 23 [21–28]b,c,d <0.001
Pplat, cmH2O 15 [14–19] 21 [20–23]a 26 [25–27]a,b 20 [18–22]a,b,c 15 [13–20]b,c,d < 0.001
Driving pressure, cmH2O 10 [10–15] 11 [10–13] 12 [10–12] 10 [8–12] 10 [8–15] 0.100
Crs, ml/cmH2O 39 [32–47] 38 [34–44] 38 [34–43] 43 [35–57] 45 [30–52] 0.100
PaCO2, mmHg 53.8 [49.1–59.0] 53.3 [49.2–58.0] 54.0 [50.4–59.7] 52.2 [47.1–56.1] 51.8 [44.7–57.5] 0.246
PaO2/FiO2, mmHg 233 [159–286] 234 [163–279] 255 [178–292] 253 [203–320] 246 [172–304] 0.611
pH 7.33 [7.30–7.39] 7.34 [7.30–7.41] 7.32 [7.29–7.40] 7.34 [7.29–7.38] 7.34 [7.31–7.39] 0.170
MAP, mmHg 70 [66–85] 76 [67–83] 71 [64–76] 74 [66–80] 78 [70–82] 0.490
HR, beats/minute 76 [72–86] 76 [68–84]a 72 [67–84]a 73 [64–83]a 77 [63–85] 0.021

Abbreviations: PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure, RM Recruitment maneuver, VT Tidal volume, IBW Ideal body weight, RR Respiratory rate, MV Minute ventilation, Ppeak Peak airway pressure, Pplat Plateau airway pressure, Crs Respiratory system compliance, PaCO2 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood, PaO2/FiO2 Ratio of partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood to fraction of inspired oxygen, MAP Mean arterial pressure, HR Heart rate

Data are expressed as median [IQR]

Wilcoxon post hoc test analysis for couples: aStatistically significant difference from PEEP 5 incremental phase; bStatistically significant difference from PEEP 10 incremental phase; cStatistically significant difference from PEEP 15; dStatistically significant difference from PEEP 10 decremental phase