Fig. 5.
Expression of NLRP3 in PC tissues and cell lines, and association between NLRP3 and XLOC_000647. a Representative images (×100 and ×400) of H and E (hematoxylin and eosin) and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for NLRP3 in paraffin-embedded PC and corresponding adjacent tissues. b Relative XLOC_00067 expression in tissues (n = 48). PC tissues versus corresponding adjacent tissues. c Relative XLOC_000647 expression in cell lines and the mean ± SD from three independent experiments. d Influence of XLOC_000647-stable overexpression on the expression level of NLRP3 in cell lines by western blot. e Representative images (×100 and ×400) of IHC staining of the tumor from mice. Results showed that overexpression of XLOC_000647 decreased the expression level of NLRP3. f The correlation between NLRP3 mRNA levels and XLOC_00067 levels in 48 PC tissues (R2 = 0.4407, P < 0.001). g The luciferase activity of NLRP3 promoter is decreased by XLOC_000647 in 293 T cells. NS (not significant). ***P < 0.001