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Table 1.

Genetic defects in the cardiovascular (CV) system

Protein (gene name) Age of death CV phenotype, animal model Human genetic CV disorder References
TGF-β1 (TGFB1) E8.5–adult Owing to gene modifier, ranging from embryonic lethal with (yolk sac) vascular defects to postnatal lethality, caused by autoimmune disease No CV malformations Letterio et al. 1994; Goumans and Mummery 2000; Tang et al. 2005
TGF-β2 (TGFB2) P0 Defect in cardiac septation and valve remodeling Loeys–Dietz syndrome type 4; syndromic TAA disorder; Kawasaki disease Sanford et al. 1997; Azhar et al. 2011; Shimizu et al. 2011; Lindsay et al. 2012; Kruithof et al. 2013; Leutermann et al. 2014
TGF-β3 (TGFB3) P0 Defect in pulmonary development and cleft palate. No CV disease Unknown Kaartinen et al. 1995; Proetzel et al. 1995
BMP-9 (BMP9) Viable Defects in lymphatic drainage, retina vascularization, and valve maturation Vascular anomaly similar to HHT Ricard et al. 2012; Levet et al. 2013; Wooderchak-Donahue et al. 2013
TβRII (TGFBR2) E10.5 Abnormal development of yolk sac vasculature and capillary vessel formation in the embryo Loeys–Dietz syndrome types 1 and 2; MFS Oshima et al. 1996; Loeys et al. 2005, 2006; Stheneur et al. 2008
BMPRII (BMPR2) E6.5–E9.5 Defect in mesoderm induction; heterogenic: pulmonary hypertension PAH; HHT Beppu et al. 2000, 2004; Lane et al. 2000; Soubrier et al. 2013
TβRI/ ALK-5 (TGFBR1) E10.5 Abnormal angiogenesis, impaired EC migration, and fibronectin production Loeys–Dietz syndrome type 1 Larsson et al. 2001; Loeys et al. 2005, 2006
ALK-1 (ACVRL1) E11.5 Abnormal angiogenesis, impaired differentiation, and SMC recruitment HHT-2; PAH Johnson et al. 1995; Oh et al. 2000; Urness et al. 2000; Fujiwara et al. 2008; Soubrier et al. 2013
Endoglin (ENG) E10.5–11.5 Angiogenesis defect, arrested remodeling and SMC development, cardiac defects; heterogenic: HHT HHT-1 McAllister et al. 1994; Bourdeau et al. 1999; Li et al. 1999; Arthur et al. 2000
TβRIII/ betaglycan (TGFBR3) E16.5–P0 Defect in compaction of ventricular wall and cardiac septation Unknown Stenvers et al. 2003
Smad1 (SMAD1) E9.5 No allantois formed; disorganized vessels Unknown Lechleider et al. 2001
Smad3 (SMAD3) Viable Accelerated wound healing; aortic aneurysm Aneurysm-osteoarthritis syndrome Ashcroft et al. 1999; van de Laar et al. 2011; van der Linde et al. 2012; Tan et al. 2013; Wischmeijer et al. 2013
Smad4 (SMAD4) <E7.5 Gastrulation defect, defect in visceral endoderm differentiation Myhre syndrome, HHT Sirard et al. 1998; Yang et al. 1998; Piccolo et al. 2014
Smad5 (SMAD5) E9.5–10.5 Defect in angiogenesis, ectopic vascularization No CV syndrome Chang et al. 1999, 2000; Yang et al. 1999
Smad6 (SMAD6) Cardiovascular abnormalities, defect in endocardial cushion formation BAV Galvin et al. 2000
Fibrillin-1 (FBN1) P0 Aortic aneurysm and rupture, impaired pulmonary function. MFS1 Carta et al. 2006
Fibrillin-2 (FBN2) Viable No CV defects No CV syndrome Arteaga-Solis et al. 2011
Fibrillin-1/2 (FBN1/2) E14.5–16.5 Defects in fiber formation of aortic wall, aortic aneurysms No CV syndrome Carta et al. 2006
LTBP-1 (LTBP1) P0 Persistent truncus arteriosus and aortic arch defects No CV syndrome Todorovic et al. 2007
LTBP-3 (LTBP3) Thoracic aneurism No CV syndrome Zilberberg et al. 2015
LTBP-4 (LTBP4) P9-14 Pulmonary emphysema and cardiomyopathy ARCL1C Bultmann-Mellin et al. 2015
LTBP-4S Adult Cardiomyopathy ARCL1C Sterner-Kock et al. 2002
Thrombo-spondin-1 (THBS1) 4 wk Cerebral hemorrhages No CV syndrome Crawford et al. 1998

TAA, Thoracic aortic aneurysm; HHT, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; EC, endothelial cell; SMCs, smooth muscle cells; BAV, bicuspid aortic valve; MFS, Marfan syndrome; ARCL1C, autosomal-recessive cutis laxa type IC.