A) Schematic of KRAS target site and guide design.
B) Quantification of percent A to I editing for tiled KRAS-targeting guides. Editing percentages are shown for the on-target (blue triangle) and neighboring adenosine sites. For each guide, the region of duplex RNA is outlined in red. Values represent mean +/− S.E.M.
C) Transcriptome-wide sites of significant RNA editing by REPAIRv1 (150ng REPAIR vector transfected) with Cluc targeting guide. The on-target site Cluc site (254 A>I) is highlighted in orange.
D) Transcriptome-wide sites of significant RNA editing by REPAIRv1 (150ng REPAIR vector transfected) with non-targeting guide. Non-targeting guide is the same as in Fig. 2C.