Figure 2.
Immunoglobulin variable-region gene segment usage is skewed in MuSK MG repertoires. Heavy-chain V gene family usage variability for the naive and memory B cell compartments. Usage variability is represented by the repertoire dissimilarity index (RDI) for naive (Naive-IgM) and memory (Memory-IgG) V families (IGHV1 thru IGHV5) among healthy donors (HDs) and MuSK MG patients. Each point indicates a pairwise RDI score (y-axis) for two subjects, with the mean score for each set of subjects marked by a horizontal bar and a density estimate indicated by the shaded region. RDI scores are grouped by status comparisons for HD in blue and MuSK-MG (MuSK) in green. Adapted from Ref. 36.