A&B: dual label fluorescence immunocytochemistry for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, green) and S129 phosphorylated α-syn (pSyn, red) illustrating reduced formation of α-syn aggregates in substantia nigra dopamine neurons with NOR treatment. C–E: light microscopy of pSyn aggregates (brown) showing dose-related reduction with NOR. C′: pSyn aggregates following proteinase K digestion confirming their identity as aggregates of insoluble α-syn. F: counts of pSyn aggregates in SN with increasing doses of NOR: vehicle (N=6), NOR (5mg/kg)(N=6), NOR (15mg/kg)(N=6). Treatment effect (F(2,11)=20.38; p=0.0002) for total counts of pSyn-positive aggregates. Post-hoc tests indicate that both the low (**p<0.01) and high dose (***p<0.001) NOR-treated rats had significantly fewer aggregates in SN as compared to saline treated animals.