Extended Data Figure 2. rEC-HSPCs are composed of rEC-HSCs that have the potential for primary and secondary engraftment and regenerative haematopoiesis self-renewal.
a, Kaplan–Meier curve showing percentage survival over 16 weeks of lethally irradiated mice transplanted with either 8.0 × 105 cells (purified CD45+ rEC-HSPCs, green line (n = 20); non-converted lung endothelial cells, blue line (n = 10) or PBS (n = 15) mice). b, Representative plots of rEC-HSPC lineage contribution. c, Donor reconstitution of mice transplanted with CD45+ rEC-HSPCs at indicated time points after primary transplantation. Data represents individual data points (n = 20). d, Representative plots of donor contribution to LKS-SLAM cells. e, Donor reconstitution of mice transplanted with WBM from chimaeric WBM control mice or WBM from chimaeric rEC-HSPC primary transplanted mouse at indicated time points after transplantation. Data represents individual data points, n = 15, 4 independent reprogramming experiments. f, Schematic representation of haematopoietic recovery following sub-lethal irradiation assay. g, Analysis of white blood cell recovery of rEC-HSPC-engrafted versus control mice following sub-lethal irradiation (500 cGy) (n = 5 for duration of analysis). Data represent mean ± s.e.m., no significant differences were found using two-tailed unpaired t-test. h, Multi-lineage analyses during bone marrow recovery. Myeloid and lymphoid regeneration, including T cells, and CD3+CD8+ T cytotoxic cells at baseline and 28 days post sub-lethal irradiation (500 cGy). Data represent individual data points; black bar represents mean (n=5).