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. 2018 Jan 12;7:e29275. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29275

Figure 11. Lack of ribbons impairs vesicle replenishment in RBEKO/KO mice.

(A) Intensity coding was largely preserved for suprathreshold sound stimulation: rate-level functions (average increase in spike rate with stimulus intensity) of SGNs in response to 50 ms tone bursts at Cf at 5 Hz corroborated the notion of increased sound threshold but were otherwise comparable in RBEKO/KO (n = 24 SGNs, N = 8) and RBEWT/WT (n = 19 SGNs, N = 7) mice, for quantification see Figure 11—figure supplement 1C. (B) Average PSTH recorded in response to 50 × 500 ms tone bursts at Cf and 30 dB above threshold at a stimulus rate of 0.5 Hz (bin width = 2 ms): the onset response to this stimulus was preserved better in RBEKO/KO SGNs (n = 18 SGNs, N = 7) as compared to higher stimulation rates (Figure 9), but it was still lower than in RBEWT/WT SGNs (n = 19 SGNs, N = 7), as well as the adapted firing rate. Mean (line) ± S.E.M. (shaded areas) are displayed. (C) Scatterplot of peak (highest 2 ms bin) and adapted (averaged 405–415 ms from response onset) firing rates: significantly reduced peak (p=0.0005, t-test) and adapted (p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test) rates in RBEKO/KO SGNs. Box plots show 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90th percentiles and means are shown as crosses, as for (D). (D) Temporal precision and reliability of sound coding is impaired in RBEKO/KO SGNs. Synchronization of firing to stimulus and firing rates (reflecting spike probability) were reduced when probed with amplitude-modulated (transposed) tones (continuous stimulation with a carrier frequency at Cf and at a modulation frequency of 500 Hz) (p=0.0043, t-test, for synchronization index, and p<0.0001, t-test, for firing rate, when comparing RBEKO/KO (n = 22 SGNs, N = 7) and RBEWT/WT (n = 15 SGNs, N = 6) SGNs). (E) Forward masking experiments were used to study presynaptic SV dynamics: a stimulus complex consisting of a 100 ms masker stimulus, a silent interval of 4/16/64/256 ms and a 15 ms probe (both at the characteristic frequency, 30 dB above threshold) was presented at 2 Hz. The averaged data after alignment of RBEWT/WT (n = 24 SGNs, N = 7, black) and RBEKO/KO (n = 27 SGNs, N = 8, red) SGNs responses are displayed as described in Materials and methods. On top of the data we present a fit of a biophysical model (light gray and pink lines) to the data used to study the SV dynamics at the AZ. The refilling and fusion rate constant during spontaneous and stimulated conditions as well as the number of occupied release sites are provided in Table 2. (F) Recovery of onset response showed as ratio of probe and masker response (number of spikes during first 10 ms, mean ± S.E.M), and prediction (dashed lines) derived from the model fit shown in (E). Recovery was slower in RBEKO/KO SGNs (n = 27 SGNs, N = 8) as compared to RBEWT/WT (n = 24 SGNs, N = 7) with significant differences in the ratio after 4 ms (p=0.0019, t-test), 16 ms (p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test), and 64 ms masker-probe intervals (p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test), but not after 256 ms (p=0.0835, t-test).

Figure 11.

Figure 11—figure supplement 1. Rate-level functions and dynamic range remained unchanged in RBEKO/KO.

Figure 11—figure supplement 1.

(A) Maximal steepness of the rate-level functions (average increase of spike rate with sound intensity) were comparable in RBEKO/KO (n = 24 SGNs, N = 8) and RBEWT/WT (n = 19 SGNs, N = 7) (p=0.0679, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test). Box plots show 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90th percentiles and means are shown as crosses, as for (B). (B) Dynamic range is defined as the range of sound intensity levels in which the rate–level function shows a spike rate increase between 10% and 90% of the difference between spontaneous and maximal rate. The absence of ribbon in RBEKO/KO did not affect this estimate significantly (p=0.3044, t-test). (C) Ratio of probe and masker onset response (number of spikes during first 10 ms, mean ± S.E.M.) and single exponential fits to individual units (RBEKO/KO, n = 27 SGNs, N = 8, pink and RBEWT/WT, n = 24 SGNs, N = 7, gray) showed a slower recovery in RBEKO/KO with a significantly lower time constant (p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test).