Figure 7. IHC exocytosis is normal for strong depolarizations but mildly reduced for weak ones.
(A) Representative Ca2+-currents (top) and corresponding low passed-filtered membrane capacitance (ΔCm) traces recorded from RBEWT/WT and RBEKO/KO IHCs upon 50 ms depolarizations from −69 to −14 mV. (B) Cumulative exocytosis (exocytic ΔCm, top) and corresponding Ca2+-charge (QCa, bottom) of RBEWT/WT (n = 11 cells, N = 8) and RBEKO/KO (n = 12 cells, N = 7) IHCs as a function of stimulus duration (2 to 200 ms to −14 mV) were unaltered in RBEKO/KO IHCs. Data is presented as mean ± S.E.M as for (F). (C) Relating ΔCm to the corresponding QCa indicated comparable Ca2+ efficiency of exocytosis between RBEWT/WT and RBEKO/KO IHCs. Mean ± S.E.M. for each pulse duration is presented in black and red; individual IHCs data points are overlaid. (D) Mean ΔCm traces (shaded areas: S.E.M.) in response to trains of 20 ms depolarizations from −87 to −17 mV (20 stimuli separated by 160 ms) of RBEWT/WT (n = 11 cells, N = 5) and RBEKO/KO (n = 13 cells, N = 8) IHCs show comparable exocytic ΔCm. (E) Representative low pass-filtered ΔCm traces in response to a pair of 20 ms pulses to −17 mV, separated by a 50 ms of inter-pulse interval (IPI). (F) Ratios of exocytosis (ΔCm2/ ΔCm1) to a pair of 20 ms pulses with varying inter-pulse intervals (50, 110, 260 and 510 ms) reveal a comparable recovery from RRP depletion between RBEWT/WT (n = 9 cells, N = 6) and RBEKO/KO IHCs (n = 9 cells, N = 6). (G) Representative low pass-filtered ΔCm traces in response to 100 ms step-depolarizations to −45, –43 and −41 mV. (H) Box plot and single values of ΔCm elicited by 100 ms step-depolarizations of RBEWT/WT (nmin = 10 cells, N = 8) and RBEKO/KO (nmin = 9 cells, N = 9) IHCs to different potentials. Exocytic ΔCm of RBEKO/KO IHCs was reduced for mild depolarizations (−45, –43 and −41 mV; p=0.0115, p=0.0295 and p=0.1321, respectively; p=0.0017, p=0.0042 and p=0.0489, without definitive outliers; Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test), but comparable to RBEWT/WT IHCs at stronger depolarizations (−39 mV; p=0.2030, Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test). Box plots show 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90th percentiles with the individual data points overlaid.