Fig. 6.
An overview of the effects of barrier disruption and treatment. Negative effects are indicated with a − sign and positive effects with a + sign. Barrier disruption induces barrier recovery and treatment accelerates this process. Changes in the EO fraction, mean chain length, and lamellar spacing showed correlations (cor) indicated by the arrows. The changes in lipid composition, organization, and subsequent effects are indicated. The ratio is mainly determined by the enzymes human-dihydro-Δ4-desaturate (DES1) and human-sphingolipid-C4-hydroxylase (DES2), responsible for the production of sphingosine and phytosphingosine ceramides from dihydrosphingosine ceramides, respectively. The arrows indicate that barrier disruption changed the lipid synthesis decreasing this ratio and treatment had the opposite effect. The correlation of the TEWL at day 16(d16) to the subclass ratio is indicated; however, the amount of C34 and the SAXD Peak 2 position correlated to TEWL as well.