Figure 2. Stress decreases PV+ IN activity but increases excitatory neuron activity in the mouse barrel cortex.
a, Examples of c-Fos immunofluorescence in coronal brain slices of control and 7-day RS mice. b, RS increased neuronal activation in the barrel cortex, as more cells were c-Fos immunoreactive. c–f, RS did not alter the density of NG+ neurons (c,d) or PV+ INs (e,f). g, An example of NG+ neurons with positive c-Fos immunofluorescence. h, RS increased the percentage of NG+ neurons that were colabeled with c-Fos. i, An example of PV+ INs colabeled with c-Fos. j, RS decreased the percentage of PV+ INs that were colabeled with c-Fos. Scale bars: 100 μm (a,c,e), 50 μm (g,i).