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. 2018 Feb 1;8:2043. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20217-3

Table 1.

Association between SMARCA4 and SMARCA2 mRNA expression and clinicopathological factors in the liver hepatocellular carcinoma dataset from TCGA.

Factor SMARCA4 expression SMARCA2 expression
High expressiona
n = 37
Lower expressionb
n = 335
P value High expressiona
n = 37
Lower expressionb
n = 335
P value
Age 57.4 ± 13.5 59.7 ± 13.5 0.30c 60.8 ± 12.2 59.3 ± 13.6 0.49c
Gender 0.01 d 0.70d
   Male 18 (48.6%) 233 (69.6%) 24 (64.9%) 227 (67.8%)
   Female 19 (51.4%) 102 (30.4%) 13 (35.1%) 108 (32.2%)
Tumor Stage (T) 0.008 d 0.29d
   T1 + T2 21 (56.8%) 255 (76.8%) 25 (67.6%) 251 (75.6%)
   T3 + T4 16 (43.2%) 77 (23.2%) 12 (32.4%) 81 (24.4%)
Tumor Stage (S) 0.010 d 0.11d
   SI + SII 19 (55.9%) 239 (79.1%) 22 (62.9%) 236 (75.4%)
   SIII + SIV 15 (44.1%) 75 (23.9%) 13 (37.1%) 77 (24.6%)
Lymph node metastasis 0.014 d 0.99d
   N0 27 (93.1%) 226 (99.1%) 25 (96.2%) 228 (98.7%)
   N1 2 (6.9%) 2 (0.9%) 1 (3.8%) 3 (1.3%)
Metastasis Stage Code 0.51d 0.27d
   M0 30 (100%) 235 (98.3%) 24 (96.0%) 243 (98.8%)
   M1 0 (0.0%) 4 (1.7%) 1 (4.0%) 3 (1.2%)
Histological grade 0.004 d 0.019 d
   G1 + G2 15 (41.7%) 218 (65.9%) 30 (81.1%) 203 (61.5%)
   G3 + G4 21 (58.3%) 113 (34.1%) 7 (18.9%) 127 (38.5%)

aDecile of the tumor population with higher levels of SMARCA4 or SMARCA2 mRNA.

bRest of the tumors not included in the high expression decile.

cStudent’s t-test.

dChi-square test. Significant P values (P ≤ 0.05) are depicted in bold.