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. 2018 Jan 16;15(1):34–40. doi: 10.4306/pi.2018.15.1.34

Table 1. Group comparisons of demographic and clinical variables among patients with tinnitus (N=1,705).

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All participants were divided into four groups including normal anxiety sensitivity and hearing level (AS-/NL), normal anxiety sensitivity and hearing loss (AS/-HL), high anxiety sensitivity and normal hearing (AS+/NH), and high anxiety sensitivity and hearing loss (AS+/HL). Hearing loss was considered if pure-tone average >25 dB. The ASI cutoff for high anxiety sensitivity set at >21. *p<0.05 vs. AS-/NH, **p<0.05 vs. AS-/HL, ***p<0.05 vs. AS+/NL. THI: Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, ASI: Anxiety Sensitivity Index, HADS: Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale