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. 2017 Dec 22;18(1):11. doi: 10.3390/s18010011
Algorithm 2: Best subset selection of M co-integrated nodes from N − 1 candidates for each of N nodes
1: # Search for the best subset of M sensors for each individual sensor, i
2: M number of sensors in the subset
3: for each sensor i do
4:    searchspace set of all sensors minus sensor i
5:    bestsubset[i] NULL
6:    for j = 1 to M do {add one more sensor to best subset for i}
7:     lowest estimation error infinity
8:     for each sensor k in searchspace
9:      fit linear model to sensor i using (k + bestsubset[i])
10:      if estimation error from linear model < lowest estimation error
11:       lowest estimation error estimation error from linear model
12:       bestsensor k;
13:      end if
14:     end for
15:     searchspace searchspace bestsensor
16:     bestsubset[i] bestsubset[i] + bestsensor
17:    end for
18: end for