ILs | Introgression lines |
SLAF | Specific locus amplified fragment |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism |
QTL | Quantitative trait loci |
At | A sub-genome |
Dt | D sub-genome |
PVE | Phenotypic variance explained |
MIC | Micronaire value |
FL | Fiber length |
FU | Fiber uniformity |
FS | Fiber strength |
FE | Fiber elongation |
BW | Boll weight |
LP | Lint percentage |
HSW | Hundred seed weight |
PH | Plant height |
BN | Boll number |
FBN | Fruiting branches number |
SI | Seed index |
CV | Coefficient of variance |
E1-3 | Environment 1-3 |
LOD | Logarithm of odds |