a, Schematics (left) and representative image (right) of
EYFP-expressing virus injection site in the S1DZ-centered cortical region. The
mouse brain in this figure has been reproduced with permission from Paxinos.
Scale bar, 1mm. b, Optical stimulation protocol. Laser was given in
a counterbalanced manner. c,i,o,
Schematic of labeled cells (green) in PBS offspring (c), vGluT2-Cre
(i), or PV-cre mice (o) (Pyr:Pyramidal neuron,
PV:Parvalbumin-positive neuron, Ast:Astrocyte).
d,j,p, Percentage of
EYFP+ neurons co-expressing c-Fos upon photostimulation
(n=8/8/8-mice, 4-independent experiments (PBS
n=6/6/6-mice, 3-independent experiments
n=8/8/8-mice, 4-independent experiments
e-h,k-n,q-t, Marble burying index
(18-min) (e,k,q), % interaction (f,l,r) and
total interaction time (g,m,s) during 1st laser-on
session of the sociability test, and time spent in center during 1st
laser-on session of the open field test (h,n,t)
(n=12/12/18-mice, 5-independent experiments (PBS
n=10/17/11-mice, 5-independent experiments
n=13/12/15-mice, 6-independent experiments
*p<0.05,**p<0.01 as calculated by
two-way ANOVA (f,l,r) and one-way ANOVA
(d,e,g,h,j,k,m,n,p,q,s,t) with Tukey post-hoc tests. Graphs
indicate mean±s.e.m.