a, Schematics of the cortical patches located within
0.38~ −1.34 AP in the brains of MIA offspring plotted onto
the atlas plane near ~ −0.5 AP. The size of the cortical
patches in the schematic is scaled to reflect the actual size as accurately
as possible. Blue indicates the cortical patches from one hemisphere and red
from the other. The mouse brain in this figure has been reproduced with
permission from Paxinos. b, Representative images of the
cortical patches in the brains of MIA offspring (a) stained
with TBR1 or SATB2 and counterstained with DAPI. The number, locations, and
sizes of the cortical patches observed at a given AP level along with each
animal’s behavioral performance on the marble burying (marble
burying index), sociability (% Social target), and the time spent in
the center (s) of an open field are indicated. White arrows indicate
cortical patches. Scale bar represents 300μm.