Table 3.
Patient Changes from the Framework for Outcomes in Clinical commUnication Services (FOCUS)
Patient Change Categoriesa |
Description | Example measures | Hypothesized relationships with other patient changes, patient experiences, or health outcomes |
Patient changes are factors that change as a direct or indirect result of health services received. These are expected to influence patient health outcomes and/or family changes.
This encompasses the concept of “understanding” from Pithara [8] and McAllister’s concept of “cognitive control” [27]. This term also encompasses aspects of “perceived personal control” [15]. Lastly, it is also the inverse of feeling uninformed, which is a component of “decisional conflict” [16].
Inclusive of Pithera’s concept of “informed and shared decision making”[8] as well as McAllister’s concept of “decisional regulation” [27]. This term also encompasses aspects of perceived personal control [15] and decisional self-efficacy [28]. Finally, this construct is the inverse of several components of “decisional conflict” [16].
Inclusive of Pithara’s concept of “enablement” [8] and McAllister’s concept “behavioral control” [27]. This term also encompasses aspects of “perceived personal control” [15] and “behavioral self-efficacy”[28].
Inclusive of Pithera’s concept “reassurance” [8] and McAllister’s concept “emotional regulation” [27]. It is also similar to “emotional self-efficacy” [28].
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