A. T47D xenografts were grown for about 6 weeks and then were subsequently treated with various combinations of vehicle, ER or PR-targeting drugs. Post treatments, xenografts were harvested and RNA-seq was performed. B. Cell viability of T47D cells in response to treatments with various combinations of PR agonist R5020, pure PR antagonist EC317 and selective PR modulator (SPRM) EC313. These drugs were treated at various concentrations (1 pM to 10 nM) mentioned on the horizontal axis. Vertical axis represents the cell numbers after the end of six days of treatments of interest. C., D. Heatmaps display unsupervised clustering of C. sample-sample correlations and D. gene expression observed in T47D xenografts treated with various combinations of ER and PR-targeting drugs. E. Immunoblots to measure ER and PR levels in T47D cells used to seed T47D xenografts. F. Immunoblots to measure ER and PR levels in various T47D xenografts used in the study. The immunoblots for individual and combination (with tamoxifen) therapies with CDB4124 and CDB4453 could not be included because of the lack of the starting material. G. Unsupervised clustering of sample-sample correlations observed between transcriptomes of T47D xenografts treated with vehicle, tamoxifen, SPRM EC313 alone or in combination with SERMs tamoxifen, bazedoxifene, raloxifene or selective ER-degrader fulvestrant. High correlation (i.e., correlation coefficient 1) between any two samples is displayed in red and low correlation (i.e., correlation coefficient 0) is displayed in blue.