Figure 3.
Categorization, alternative transcription, and analysis of 5′-UTRs in S. aureus USA300 TCH1516. (A) Conserved prokaryotic -35, -16, and -10 promoter elements were found in 1,638, 1640, and 1640 TSSs with p-value less than 0.05 (MEME), respectively. (B) A conserved SigB binding sites were found from 29 TSSs (p-value of 1.51 × 10−8). (C) Distribution of 5′UTR length of primary and secondary transcripts. Over 75% of TSSs have 5′UTR length below 100 nt. (D) AG-rich Shine-Dalgarno sequence (SD) was found from 5′UTR of 1,481 protein-coding transcripts. The spacer length between start codon and SD sequence showed mean length of 6.9 nt. (E) An orphan TSS (TSS_263) transcribes novel transcript encoding PSMα2, 3, and 4. (F) A transcriptional terminator was predicted at downstream of the TSS_1468. The short transcript generated by TSS_1468 encodes a novel ncRNA RsaOG conserved in S. aureus.