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. 2018 Jan 3;16(1):117–143. doi: 10.1007/s12021-017-9347-8

Table 12.

MKL modelling of the comparison of ‘faces’ vs ‘scrambled’, based on the HCP atlas

Region Area Description Contribution (%) Size ER
2_ROI Area 2 (part of the somatosensory cortex) 18.58 319.00 179.92
PCV_ROI PreCuneus Visual Area 8.04 119.00 176.62
6d_ROI Dorsal area 6 (superior premotor subdivions) 7.61 123.00 175.77
V6_ROI Sixth Visual Area 7.04 101.00 155.77
PFcm_ROI Area PFcm (part of the auditory cortex) 6.74 115.00 175.00
TE1m_ROI Area TE1 Middle (lateral temporal cortex) 5.41 98.00 147.54
11l_ROI Area 11 l (part of the orbital and polar frontal cortex) 5.34 132.00 172.81
44_ROI Area 44 (part of the inferior frontal cortex) 4.58 197.00 130.65
AAIC_ROI Anterior Agranular
Insula Complex
3.87 123.00 138.88
31a_ROI Area 31a (part of the posterior cingulate cortex) 3.46 68.00 54.54
TPOJ3_ROI Area TemporoParietoOccipital Junction 3 3.16 46.00 149.81
PeEc_ROI Perirhinal Ectorhinal Cortex 2.59 202.00 142.96
7AL_ROI Lateral area 7A of the superior parietal cortex 2.23 102.00 110.92
MI_ROI Middle Insular Area 2.06 155.00 97.65
10pp_ROI Polar 10p (part of orbital and polar frontal cortex) 1.66 9.00 115.23
8BM_ROI Area 8BM (medial prefrontal cortex) 1.56 231.00 96.27
5mv_ROI Area 5 m ventral of the superior parietal cortex 1.42 107.00 114.77
6v_ROI Ventral Area 6 (inferior premotor subdivisions) 1.22 131.00 107.58
MBelt_ROI Medial Belt Complex (Early Auditory Cortex) 1.14 67.00 113.42
PoI2_ROI Posterior Insular Area 2 1.00 174.00 69.96
A5_ROI Auditory 5 Complex (Auditory Association Cortex) 0.93 212.00 33.08
A4_ROI Auditory 4 Complex 0.87 120.00 87.62
24dd_ROI Dorsal Area 24d (cingulate motor areas) 0.77 160.00 38.73
10d_ROI Area 10d (part of Orbital and Polar Frontal Cortex) 0.67 88.00 44.88
PGs_ROI Area PGs (part of inferior parietal cortex) 0.65 227.00 68.88
VMV2_ROI VentroMedial Visual Area 0.59 49.00 75.65
PFm_ROI Area PFm Complex (part of Inferior parietal cortex) 0.57 312.00 74.54
pOFC_ROI posterior OFC Complex (orbital frontal cortex) 0.54 19.00 74.92
AVI_ROI Anterior Ventral Insular Area 0.52 116.00 25.88
PoI1_ROI Area Posterior Insular 1 0.45 108.00 32.12
s6-8_ROI Superior 6–8 Transitional Area (part of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) 0.42 107.00 37.85
IP2_ROI Area IntraParietal 2 0.40 56.00 25.85
IFJa_ROI Area IFJa (part of the inferior frontal cortex) 0.36 59.00 37.62
FST_ROI Area FST (Visual Area) 0.32 70.00 56.12
31pv_ROI Area 31p ventral (part of the posterior cingulate cortex) 0.30 84.00 73.96
25_ROI Area 25 (part of Anterior Cingulate and Medial Prefrontal Cortex) 0.26 8.00 25.31
PHT_ROI Area PHT (part of lateral temporal cortex) 0.25 168.00 13.15
55b_ROI Area 55b (part of premotor cortex) 0.23 115.00 19.46
OP1_ROI Area OP1/SII (Part of Posterior Opercular Cortex) 0.22 92.00 12.73
8BL_ROI Area 8B Lateral (Part of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) 0.20 223.00 6.65
47s_ROI Area 47 s (part of orbital and polar frontal cortex) 0.20 128.00 19.19
23d_ROI Area 23d (part of posterior cingulate cortex) 0.13 100.00 31.15
V2_ROI Second Visual Area 0.13 744.00 12.62
47m_ROI Area 47 m (part of orbital and polar frontal cortex) 0.12 70.00 24.88
IP1_ROI Area IntraParietal 1 0.12 148.00 6.54
3b_ROI Primary somatosensory cortex 0.11 268.00 6.38
V3B_ROI Area V3b (part of dorsal stream visual cortex) 0.11 20.00 36.58
6ma_ROI Area 6 m anterior (part of supplementary motor cortex) 0.11 235.00 12.62
45_ROI Area 45 (part of inferior frontal cortex) 0.11 159.00 24.46
8Av_ROI Area 8Av (part of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) 0.09 224.00 12.65
7m_ROI Area 7 m (part of posterior cingulate cortex) 0.08 122.00 6.54
46_ROI Area 46 (part of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) 0.07 172.00 19.15
PGp_ROI Area PGp (part of the Inferior Parietal Cortex) 0.06 144.00 6.35
FEF_ROI Frontal Eye Fields 0.05 106.00 6.31
IP0_ROI Area IntraParietal 0 0.04 89.00 6.35
RI_ROI RetroInsular Cortex 0.04 64.00 6.12
7Pm_ROI Medial Area 7P (part of the superior medial parietal cortex) 0.03 81.00 12.58
OFC_ROI Orbitofrontal cortex 0.03 14.00 6.15
4_ROI Primary Motor Cortex 0.03 477.00 12.27
PIT_ROI Posterior InferoTemporal 0.02 71.00 6.23
a47r_ROI Area anterior 47r (part of inferior frontal cortex) 0.01 276.00 18.04
LBelt_ROI Lateral Belt Complex (early auditory areas) 0.01 43.00 6.00
V8_ROI Eighth Visual Area 0.01 94.00 6.08
A1_ROI Primary Auditory Cortex 0.01 51.00 12.12
d23ab_ROI Area dorsal 23 a + b (part of the posterior cingulate cortex) 0.01 75.00 6.04
V3A_ROI Area V3A (dorsal stream areas) 0.01 117.00 6.27

Regions ranked further (i.e. rank >66) have a perfectly null contribution to the model. ER stands for Expected Ranking. The region size is displayed in voxels. The weights were averaged across folds (except for computing ER)