The expression pattern of invertase and members of the InvINH/PMEI superfamily during seed development. (A) Illustration depicting a globular stage seed containing embryo proper (light green), suspensor (dark green), chalazal seed coat (brown), general seed coat (yellow), as well as micropylar (purple), peripheral (light blue), and chalazal (dark blue) endosperm. (B) Hierarchical clustering of 35 seed samples (in columns) and 107 genes (in rows), including 17 invertases (indicated by asterisks) and 90 InvINH/PMEIs. The early developmental transition in the embryo and the endosperm occurs at the heart stage. Developmental stages are indicated by the stage of embryo development. Each stage includes six seed compartments arranged from left to right as embryo proper (em), micropylar endosperm (men), peripheral endosperm (pen), chalazal endosperm (cen), chalazal seed coat (csc), and general seed coat (gsc). The color represents gene expression level relative to the median level of expression across all samples. Red, high expression; blue, low expression; gray, data not available. Seven clusters of co-regulated genes (I–VII) were identified based on the gene dendrogram. (C) A zoomed-in heatmap for Cluster II genes with the data points arranged in the same sequence as (B).