Prolonged expression of InvINH1 delayed embryo growth. (A) The embryo phenotype of 21 individual T1 plants carrying pZOU-InvINH1 transgene. (B) The embryo phenotype of 20 individual T1 plants carrying pZou transgene. (C) Dissected embryos from the same silique of a T1 plant carrying pZOU-InvINH1. (D) Ectopic expression of InvINH1 in pZOU-InvINH1 transgenic plants. The InvINH1 mRNA level in whole siliques was determined by qRT-PCR at 5 dap. The expression level in wild-type (Col-0) siliques at 3 dap was used as a reference point (100%) to calculate the relative expression level in other samples. Around 50–60 seeds were dissected per line to determine the embryo phenotype. empty, undeveloped ovules; ebc, early-bent-cotyledon stage; mbc, mid-bent-cotyledon stage; lbc, late-bent-cotyledon stage (lbc). Bar = 500 μm.