Heatmap of relative abundance of endophytic bacterial genera in Durango and Arizona pines. Bacterial community distribution of the 51 bacterial genera among root, phloem, and bark samples (cophenetic correlation = 0.90) (RootPD1 = Root P. durangensis1, RootPD2 = Root P. durangensis2, PhloemPD1 = Phloem P. durangensis1, PhloemPD2 = Phloem P. durangensis2, BarkPD1 = Bark P. durangensis1, BarkPD2 = Bark P. durangensis2; RootPA1 = Root P. arizonica1, RootPA2 = Root P. arizonica2, PhloemPA1 = Phloem P. arizonica1, PhloemPA2 = Phloem P. arizonica2, BarkPA1 = Bark P. arizonica1).