Examples of coronary computed tomography angiograms. a, b Volume-rendered 3D reconstructions of patient with coronary artery fistulas. 1 retroaortic conglomerate of arterial vessels connected with the RCA, Cx, LIMA, RPA, and LPA; 2 coronary fistulas between the Cx and right and left pulmonary arteries; 3 coronary fistula between the RCA and right pulmonary artery; and 4 fistula between the LIMA and the retroaortic conglomerate of arterial vessels. c, d Patient with a coronary anomaly (volume-rendered 3D reconstructions, description in text) and acute proximal angulation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (changes related to the proximal intra-vessel tangential course). e, f Patient with a coronary anomaly (Cx branching from the RCA) and long intramuscular course of the left anterior descending artery. 1* great cardiac vein; 2* accessory left anterior descending artery; 3* ramus intermedius artery; LCA left coronary artery, Cx circumflex coronary artery, LAD left anterior descending artery, RCA right coronary artery, LIMA left internal mammary artery, CA conal artery