Fig. 3.
The 3′-UTR SINEs reside in orthopairs encoding mRNAs with long 3′-UTRs. (A) Histograms showing the mean 3′-UTR length of the longest mRNA isoform from RefSeq, excluding the SINE sequence, calculated for each orthopair that is 3′-UTR SINE-containing in both human and mouse (black), only human (red), only mouse (blue), or neither (gray). Error bars denote SEMs. (B) Histograms showing the number of Alu or B/ID SINEs per 1 kb in the 3′-UTRs of human or mouse transcripts from orthologous genes that either have or lack a 3′-UTR SINE. (C) Dot plot demonstrating the correlation between 3′-UTR length of the longest isoform of each human and mouse orthopair that lacks (light gray, ρ = 0.39, P < 10−100) or contains (black, ρ = 0.23, P = 4·10−15) 3′-UTR SINEs in both orthologs. (D) Same as in C but comparing 3′-UTR A+T content.