Table 1. Ongoing or completed clinical trials on ECCO2R in critically ill patients with COPD or hypercapnic respiratory failure.
Study | Status | Study design | Identifier | Study title |
Nava et al. | Active, recruiting | Interventional single-group trial | NCT02259335 | Weaning from mechanical ventilation using extracorporeal CO2 removal (WeanPRO) |
Not specified | Active, not recruiting | Prospective observational | NCT02965079 | Registry on the experience of extracorporeal CO2 removal in intensive care units (REXECOR) |
Morelli et al. | Completed | Interventional single-group trial | NCT02564406 | Extracorporeal CO2 removal in hypercapnic patients |
Nava et al. | Active, recruiting | Interventional single-group trial | NCT02260583 | Effect of extracorporeal CO2 removal in stable hypercapnic COPD patients |
Diehl et al. | Active, recruiting | Interventional single-group trial | NCT02586948 | Physiological study of minimally invasive ECCO2R in exacerbations of COPD requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (EPHEBE) |
Hill et al. | Not yet recruiting | Multicenter randomized controlled trial | NCT03255057 | Extracorporeal CO2 removal for mechanical ventilation avoidance during acute exacerbation of COPD (VENT-AVOID) |
Barrett et al. | Active, recruiting | Randomized controlled trial | NCT02086084 | ECCO2R as an adjunct to NIV in AECOPD |
Stefan et al. | Completed | Interventional single group trial | NCT02590575 | “Low flow” CO2 removal on RRT |
ECCO2R, extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CO2, carbon dioxide; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; AECOPD, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RRT, renal replacement therapy.