Table 1.
Symptoms and signs that can be observed in dysfunctional voiding
Obstructive level (distal to proximal) | Symptoms | Signs |
1. External urethral sphincter | Voiding symptoms • Difficulty with initiating or maintaining stream • Abnormal stream |
Physical: observed interrupted or varying urinary stream Urodynamics: staccato, interrupted uroflow/voiding EMG activity Radiology: spinning top urethra on fluoroscopy |
2. Proximal urethra | Urethral (usually penile) pain during voiding due to abnormal flow Hematuria |
Physical: urethritis on cystoscopy Radiology: spinning top urethra |
3. Detrusor –compensatory hypertrophy Detrusor overactivity Decreased detrusor compliance Decreased bladder capacity |
Storage symptoms: • Urgency • Urge incontinence • Frequency |
Physical: evidence of incontinence, holding manoeuvres Urodynamics: Small MVV from bladder diary Detrusor overactivity and/or low compliance on invasive urodynamics Radiology: thickened bladder wall, trabeculation, diverticulae |
4. Detrusor –myogenic decompensation/failure | Voiding symptoms • Difficulties with initiating and maintaining void • Infrequent voiding • Abdominal straining • Sitting to void in boys • Unusual voiding e.g., situation-specific, only in the bath • Urinary retention |
Physical: Palpable bladder with no sensation of need to void. Abdominal straining during observed voiding Urodynamics: infrequent voiding/large MVV on bladder diary Interrupted uroflow. Abdominal EMG activity during voiding. Radiology: Distended large volume bladder on ultrasound |
5. Vesicoureteric reflux | Urinary tract infection +/− loin pain/pyelonephritis |
Radiology: Dilated ureter, urothelial thickening, hydronephrosis, post-void residual on ultrasound. VUR on fluoroscopy. Pseudo post-void residual due to VUR on fluoroscopy. Nuclear medicine: VUR on indirect cystogram |
6. Renal damage | Poor growth, polydipsia, polyuria |
Physical: uremia, hypertension Laboratory: raised serum creatinine plus other ERF markers Radiology: renal scarring, hydronephrosis |
Other findings | Symptoms | Signs |
7. Incomplete bladder emptying | Sensation of incomplete emptying at end of void Need to return shortly after voiding to try again Significant leakage shortly after voiding |
Physical: Passage of significant volume of urine on double void Radiology: Evidence of post void residual on ultrasound. Incomplete bladder emptying fluoroscopy. Nuclear medicine: incomplete bladder emptying on indirect cystogram |
8. Asymptomatic bacteriuria | Urinary odor (distinctive) |
Physical: Child well Laboratory: urine dipstick may be positive for white cells, nitrites, blood. Microscopy may show bacterial growth but insignificant white cells. |
9. Urinary tract infection | Dysuria, frequency, urgency, smelly urine, abdominal or loin pain, systemic features of being unwell | Laboratory: Urine dipstick and urine microscopy, culture suggestive of infection |