Fig. 5.
Cell tracking by bioluminescence. a Evaluation of luminescent signal intensity in CM-mESCs transduced with the luciferase 2 gene in vitro. Numbers shown above the wells indicate numbers of cells. b Signal increased with increasing cell number in a linear fashion (r2 = 0.98). c Representative images of CM-mESCs transduced with luciferase 2 after intramyocardial injection in DIC mice. Signal located in a region anatomically compatible with the heart in mice injected with CM-mESCs for up to 11 days after injection. d Quantification of luminescence in radiance units shows a decrease in the signal as time progresses. e Ex-vivo images and f, g quantification (n = 3 per day) of the luminescent signal demonstrating that cells remained in the heart at 1 day and 4 days after implantation, respectively. Signal lower in other organs (spleen, bladder, right lung, left lung, liver, right kidney and left kidney). h Presence of the luciferase 2 gene by PCR at 1, 4 and 11 days after cell injection. Luciferase 2 not observed at 45 days after injection. d days, PC positive control