Fig 4. A series of FTIR polarization spectra and their angle-dependent absorbance.
(A) The FTIR polarization spectra were collected in the range from 0 to 180° in increments of 10°. (B) The angle-dependent absorbance was obtained at 1167 cm-1, 997 cm-1, 972 cm-1, and 840 cm-1. (a) Absorption at 1167 cm-1 is a combination of the C-C stretching [ν(C-C)] and CH3 rocking vibration [ρ(CH3)]. (b) Absorption at 997 cm-1 is a combination of the C-CH3 rocking vibration [ρ(C-CH3)], C-CH3 stretching [ν(C-CH3)] and CH deformation band [δ(CH)]. Absorption at both 972 cm-1 and 840 cm-1 are combinations of the CH3 rocking vibration [ρ(CH3)] and C-C stretching [ν(C-C)].