(A) Experimental protocol. OFF and ON indicate 4 s imaging periods, preceded by 100 ms pulses of 540 nm or 470 nm light to switch SFOCatCh OFF and ON, respectively. Gray bars indicate 1 s focal perfusion into the γ5 compartment. Buffer, dopamine injection (DA) and washout trials are separated by 3 min intervals. (B) Representative calcium responses in M6 dendrites in the γ5 compartment. Scale bar, 10 μm. (C) Average ΔF/F responses in M6 dendrites. n = 10. Mean ± s.e.m. (D) Average ΔF/F responses during the SFOCatCh ON periods of successive buffer, DA, and washout trials. n = 15, 17, 10 for 0, 0.1, and 1.0 mM DA, respectively. ***p<0.001, t-test. (E) Average ΔF/F responses during the SFOCatCh ON periods of successive buffer, apomorphine, and washout trials. n = 12. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, t-test. (F) Average ΔF/F responses during the SFOCatCh ON periods of successive trials with buffer only, 1 mM DA, and DA plus 0.15 mM mecamylamine (Mec). n = 9. ***p<0.001, t-test.