Fig. 1. Study design and comparison of study groups across time.
(A) Study design. Whether infusions were of rituximab or placebo depended on the study arm. (Note that not all the indicated time points were available for all participants.) (B) Number of distinct IGH sequences observed as a function of time, colored by study arm. (C) Fraction of observed sequences that had the IgA or IgG isotype as a function of time, colored by study arm. (D) Fraction of IgD or IgM sequences that displayed zero somatic mutations as a function of time, colored by study arm. (E) Summary of the signatures identified in (B) and (C): fold change in isotype-switched proportion from baseline to depletion versus fold change in sequence diversity from baseline to depletion. Here, “depletion” refers to the week 4 and week 12 visits; diversities and isotype-switched proportions were averaged across these two time points. Numeric data values are also provided in table S1. (F) Phylogenetic distance between each participant’s baseline repertoire and her repertoire at the week 36 visit. Week 36 was chosen as the common second time point because all but two study arm A recipients had recovered more than 10,000 sequences by then and times beyond week 36 had not been sampled for all participants. Numeric data values are also provided in table S2.