Figure 5. Mouse working hearts have preserved LV contractility with reduced compliance at slower human-like heart rate.
A. Representative P-V loops and the derived end systolic pressure volume relationship (ESPVR) showed similar LV contractility of mouse ex vivo working heart at heart rates of 480 and 120–130 bpm. B. Representative P-V loops and the derived end diastolic pressure volume relationship (EDPVR) showed decreased LV diastolic compliance in mouse ex vivo working heart at heart rate of 120–130 bpm as compared with that at 480 bpm. The slower heart rate allows higher LV filling and larger end diastolic volume corresponding to longer resting sarcomere length and lower end diastolic ventricular compliance. N = 4 to 5 hearts. Values are presented as mean ± SE. *P<0.05 vs. 480 bpm control in Student’s t test.