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. 2018 Jan 15;10(1):184–199.

Table 4.

Correlation between ΔReHo/ΔfALFF and Δpain duration

Region (R: right; L: left) Peak MNI coordinate Peak R value Voxel number Brain volume (mm3)

x y z
+ correlation (ReHo)
    Cerebelum_8_L (aal) -27 -63 -51 0.69 3 81
- correlation (ReHo)
    Cingulum_Mid_L (aal) -3 -33 42 -0.77 17 459
+ correlation (fALFF)
    Calcarine_L (aal) -12 -78 3 0.84 4 108
- correlation (fALFF)

ReHo: regional homogeneity; VAS: visual analogue scale; MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; ΔReHo = ReHo (PHN) - ReHo (HZ); ΔfALFF = fALFF (PHN) - fALFF (HZ); MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; aal: anatomical automatic labeling.