Phf19 is required in lymphocytes for GC formation. Representative flow cytometry and total number statistical analysis of GC (A), Tfh (B), spleen plasma cells (C), and bone marrow plasma cells (D) from 14 SRBC-immunized ctrl-RM and 14 Phf19-RM mice by staining with indicated biomarker antibodies. The numbers in the figures indicate percentages of FashiGL7hi GC B cells relative to total B220+ cells (A), CXCR5+PD-1+ Tfh cells relative to total CD4+ cells (B), CD138hiB220low plasma cells relative to total splenocytes (C), and CD138hiB220low plasma cells relative to total BM cells (D). The total number of GC, Tfh, spleen plasma cells and bone marrow plasma cells in 14 ctrl-RM and 14 Phf19-RM mice were compared and the P value were shown.