Table 1.
Patients’ and primary tumor’s characteristics
Total | 48a |
Mean age, years (SD) | 58.5 (±11.0) |
Range | 36-75 |
Tumor size | |
pT1a-c | 14 (29.2%) |
pT2-4 | 34 (70.8%) |
Lymph node status | |
Node negative | 12 (25.0%) |
Node positive (pN1-3) | 35 (72.9%) |
pNx | 1 (2.1%) |
Grading | |
G1-2 | 27 (56.2%) |
G3 | 21 (43.8%) |
Estrogen receptor status b | |
ER positive | 30 (62.5%) |
ER negative | 18 (37.5%) |
Progesterone receptor statusc | |
PR positive | 25 (52.1%) |
PR negative | 23 (47.9%) |
HER2 status | |
negative | 36 (75.0%) |
positive | 11 (22.9%) |
unknown | 1 (2.1%) |
Menopausal status | |
Premenopausal | 15 (31.3%) |
Postmenopausal | 33 (68.7%) |
Primary operation | |
Breast conservative | 30 (62.5%) |
Mastectomy | 18 (37.5%) |
Systemic therapy | |
Chemotherapy-FECd-DOCe | 21 (43.8%) |
Chemotherapy-FEC-DOC Gemf | 27 (56.2%) |
aNumber of patients (percentage); bER estrogen receptor; cPR progesterone receptor; dFEC fluorouracil-epirubicin-cyclophosphamide; eDOC docetaxel; fGem gemcitabine