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. 2018 Feb 6;19:35. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2043-3

Table 5.

The number of interface (positive samples) and non-interface (negative samples) local surface patches in the balanced and unbalanced versions of the training set and in the test set for each protein class

Protein complex class Receptor ligand Bound unbound Balanced training set Unbalanced training set Test set
Interface patches Non-interface patches Total Interface patches Non-interface patches Total Interface patches Non-interface patches Total
A r b 4520 5859 10379 1162 31174 32336 629 22141 22770
u 4545 5867 10412 1169 31070 32239 621 22315 22936
l b 4533 6164 10697 1155 32987 34142 674 20382 21056
u 4809 5926 10735 1224 31529 32753 683 26222 26905
AB r b 2207 3806 6013 566 20284 20850 378 18852 19230
u 2234 3805 6039 580 20181 20761 444 19265 19709
l b 2472 2315 4787 633 12329 12962 333 6175 6508
u 2432 2319 4751 624 12316 12940 332 7877 8209
EI r b 8862 7350 16212 2254 39035 41289 1268 28696 29964
u 7927 7350 15277 2026 38872 40898 1299 29502 30801
l b 11291 4172 15463 2890 22222 25112 1541 17243 18784
u 13344 4170 17514 3397 22154 25551 1471 17085 18556
ER r b 5512 7404 12916 1392 39672 41064 1458 37028 38486
u 5072 7418 12490 1295 39631 40926 1165 36294 37459
l b 7615 3779 11394 1953 20199 22152 973 13578 14551
u 7218 3770 10988 1834 20293 22127 829 13053 13882
ES r b 2328 5429 7757 606 29129 29735 486 14498 14984
u 1821 5361 7182 462 28721 29183 401 14013 14414
l b 3004 2231 5235 763 11934 12697 310 7704 8014
u 2274 2227 4501 574 11866 12440 348 7658 8006
OG r b 3960 5557 9517 1008 29796 30804 873 18550 19423
u 3469 5700 9169 882 30468 31350 764 19318 20082
l b 4501 2756 7257 1142 14773 15915 734 14996 15730
u 3781 2803 6584 988 14887 15875 857 14844 15701
OR r b 5109 7344 12453 1298 39365 40663 696 19769 20465
u 4218 7305 11523 1082 39031 40113 1079 19306 20385
l b 4691 3273 7964 1205 17471 18676 1012 14860 15872
u 4163 3424 7587 1057 18219 19276 1635 14425 16060
OX r b 8894 10487 19381 2280 55923 58203 1831 62163 63994
u 9096 10630 19726 2332 56765 59097 1591 62829 64420
l b 10146 8392 18538 2583 44821 47404 2035 32141 34176
u 9560 9393 18953 2443 50234 52677 2119 33604 35723