Figure 2.
(A) Binding study of M2pep peptides and peptide-grafted polymers after serum incubation, with M2 macrophages. All serum-incubated samples were diluted to 18% serum with PBS and heat-inactivated prior to the binding study. Concentrations are labeled as biotin equivalence. Binding data of the polymer analogs are shaded in black for clarity. * denotes statistical significance (P < 0.05) based on Student’s unpaired t-tests. (B) Fractional binding activities relative to their respective activities at 0 h time point. (C) Binding study of DFBP-cyclized M2pep(RY)-peptide/polymer in PBSA and 18% heat-inactivated serum (in PBS) with M2 macrophages. Statistical analysis comparing treatments of equimolar peptide equivalence was performed by Student’s unpaired t-tests where * denotes statistical significance (P < 0.05).