MMCP-6, MMCP-7, and MPP+ -induce CCL2 release from mouse neurons. We examined whether MMCP-6, MMCP-7 and MPP+ activate mouse neurons to release CCL2. Mouse neuronal cells grown from Wt mice as well as from GMF-KO mice were incubated with MMCP-6 (200 ng/ml), MMCP-7 (200 ng/ml) or MPP+ (20 μM) for 24 h and the CCL2 release was assayed in the culture media by ELISA (n=3). Neurons obtained from Wt mice significantly released CCL2 after incubation with MMCP-6, MMCP-7, and MPP+ when compared to control non-treated cells. However, only MPP+ significantly released CCL2 from neuronal cultures obtained from GMF-KO mice. Results were presented as mean ± SEM (*p<0.05 control vs treated cells, One-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer post hoc).