Fig. 4. Signal propagation from SAN to surrounding atria is altered in a Ca2+ channel variant.
A tissue of size 3 × 3 cm was modeled using a diffusion constant of 1.2 cm2/s in the direction of the monitored fiber and 0.25 cm2/s in the direction orthogonal to this. A spatial resolution of 151 × 151 nodes (0.02 cm) and temporal resolution of ∆t = 0.125 ms was used. The panels show the membrane potential as a function of time at six different locations of the modeled tissue for different scalings of a CACNA1C variant (the first variant of Supplementary Table S2). The center (blue) expresses membrane potential dynamics similar to that seen in single-cell experiments (Figs. 1 and 2), while near the borders (magenta and yellow), the action potentials are sharper and more alike to those presented in ref.62. The left panels (A) show the results in a model tissue with a smaller (radius 0.27 cm) SAN, and the right panels (B) show the results using a larger (radius 0.40 cm) SAN. In the variants with smallest effect ( and ), only the pacemaking frequency is altered, but in other variants, more radical phenotypes are observed. The variant ceases pacemaking in the tissue with smaller SAN, and in the simulations with the larger SAN, all action potentials initiated by the variant SANCs are not successfully transmitted to the atrial tissue