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. 2015 Sep;12(9):1387–1397. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201504-194CME

Table 4.

Clinical criteria for uncontrolled asthma

Major criteria (at least one required) 1. Oral corticosteroids for >50% of the past year
2. Continuous high-dose inhaled corticosteroids (≥1,000 μg of fluticasone per day)
Minor criteria (at least two required) 1. Concurrent use of at least one other controller medication
2. Daily symptoms requiring a short-acting β-agonist
3. FEV1 < 80% predicted
4. One or more urgent care visits in the past year
5. Three or more oral corticosteroid bursts in the past year
6. Deterioration with a decrease in corticosteroid dose of 25%
7. History of a near-fatal asthma-related event