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. 2018 Jan 29;52:9. doi: 10.11606/S1518-8787.2018052000439

Table. Papers selected through systematic review on the relation between breastfeeding and behavior disorders.

Author, country, year Study design, sample size, age Exposition type and duration Outcome, scale Confounders Main results
Taylor 30 United Kingdom 1984 Cohort 13,135 Child (5 years old) NEBF Non-breastfed 1–2 months ≥ 3 months Total behavior (Rutter Behavior Scale) Sociodemographic: social index (family socioeconomic status, domestic crowding, parental education, tenure of accommodation, type of neighborhood, parental occupation), maternal age, older or younger siblings
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, mental health
Child: sex, birth weight
1) Total behavior problems (p < 0.05):
Non-breastfed: β = 0.01
BF < 1 month: β = 0.04
BF 1–2 months: β = 0.03
BF ≥ 3 months: β = -0.05
Fergusson 37 New Zealand 1987 Cohort 1,024 Child (6, 7, and 8 years old) NEBF Total behavior (Rutter Behavior Scale) Sociodemographic: family socioeconomic status, family size, maternal marital status, maternal education, maternal ethnicity
Child: gestational age, birth weight
1) Maternal ratings:
6 years: β = -0.16, p < 0.001
7 years: β = -0.11, p < 0.001
8 years: β = -0.14, p < 0.001
2) Teacher ratings:
6 years: β = -0.05, p > 0.10
7 years: β = -0.09, p < 0.01
8 years: β = -0.04, p > 0.20
3) Standardized analysis for BF:
6 years: β = -0.07, p > 0.05
7 years: β = -0.14, p < 0.01
8 years: β = -0.05, p > 0.10
Julvez 40 Spain 2007 Cohort 500 Child (4 years old) NEBF 2 weeks - < 3 months 3– ≤ 5 months 5–7 months > 7 months versus < 2 weeks Hyperactivity Impulsivity symptoms (ASHD-DSM-IV) Social Competence (California Preschool Social Competence Scale)
Abnormal: > 80th percentile
Sociodemographic: parent's social class, parental education level, maternal marital status
Mother: maternal parity
Child: sex, child's school season e evaluator.
1) Hyperactivity:
2–11.9 weeks: RR = 1.10, 95%CI 0.68–1.78
12–20 weeks: RR = 0.99, 95%CI 0.62–1.58
20.1-28 weeks: RR = 0.68, 95%CI 0.38–1.23
28.1 weeks: RR = 0.48, 95%CI 0.25–0.94
2) Impulsivity symptoms:
2–11.9 weeks: RR = 1.52, 95%CI 0.84–2.73
12–20 weeks: RR = 1.10, 95%CI 0.59–2.04
20.1-28 weeks: RR = 0.79, 95%CI 0.38–1.67
28.1 weeks: RR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.33–1.50
3) Social competence:
2–11.9 weeks: RR = 0.77, 95%CI 0.56–1.05
12–20 weeks: RR = 0.57, 95%CI 0.52–0.66
20.1-28 weeks: RR = 0.16, 95%CI 0.11–0.22
28.1 weeks: RR = 0.44, 95%CI 0.2 7–0.72
Robinson 27 Australia 2008 Cohort 1,707 Child (5 years old) NEBF versus non-breastfed Total behavior Internalizing behavior Externalizing behavior (CBCL)
Abnormal: > 60th percentile
Sociodemographic: family income, maternal marital status, maternal ethnicity, maternal age, maternal education, number of siblings.
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, alcohol in pregnancy, stressful events in pregnancy, baby blues symptoms.
Child: gestational age, sex, 5-minute Apgar score.
1) Total behavior problems:
2 years: OR = 0.99, 95%CI 0.95–1.03
5 years: OR = 0.97, 95%CI 0.94–0.99
2–5 years: OR = 1.00, 95%CI 0.96–1.04
2) Internalizing behavior problems:
2 years: OR = 1.02, 95%CI 0.98–1.06
5 years: OR = 0.98, 95%CI 0.96–1.01
2–5 years: OR = 1.04, 95%CI 0.99–1.08
3) Externalizing behavior problems:
2 years: OR = 0.98, 95%CI 0.94–1.01
5 years: OR = 1.00, 95%CI 0.98–1.03
2–5 years: OR = 0.98, 95%CI 0.94–1.02
Kramer 35 Belarus 2008 Intervention 13,889 Child (6.5 years old) NEBF Total behavior Hyperactivity Emotional symptoms Conduct disorder Peer problems Prosocial behavior (SDQ)
Abnormal: ≥ 85th percentile
Paired variables: Sociodemographic: maternal age, maternal education, number of siblings
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, had breastfed a previous child for at least 3 months, cesarean delivery
Child: sex, birth weight, gestational age, 5-minute Apgar score
1) Total behavior problems:
parent: β = -0.1; 95%CI -0.7–0.5
teacher: β = -0.5; 95%CI -1.1–0.1
2) Hyperactivity:
parent: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.2–0.3
teacher: β = -0.1, 95%CI -0.4–0.1
3) Emotional symptoms:
parent: β = -0.1, 95%CI -0.3–0.1
teacher: β = -0.2, 95%CI -0.3–0.04
4) Conduct disorder:
parent: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.1–0.1
teacher: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.2–0.1
5) Peer problems:
parent: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.2–0.2
teacher: β = -0.1; 95%CI -0.4–0.1
6) Prosocial behavior:
parent: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.2–0.3
teacher: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.2–0.5
Kramer 18 Belarus 2009 Cohort 2,951 Child (6.5 years old) EBF ≥ 6 months versus
EBF ≤ 3 months + partial ≥ 6 months
Total behavior Hyperactivity Emotional symptoms Conduct disorder Peer problems Prosocial behavior (SDQ) Sociodemographic: geographic location, parental education
Child: birth weight, age at the follow-up visit, sex
1) Total behavior = problems:
parent: β = 0.5, 95%CI -0.05–1.0
teacher: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.6–0.6
2) Hyperactivity:
parent: β = 0.2, 95%CI -0.02–0.4
teacher: β = -0.1, 95%CI -0.4–0.2
3) Emotional symptoms:
parent: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.1 -0.3
teacher: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.2–0.2
4) Conduct disorder:
parent: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.1–0.2
teacher: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.2–0.2
5) Peer problems:
parent: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.04–0.3
teacher: β = 0.1, 95%CI -0.1–0.3
6) Prosocial behavior:
parent: β = 0.0, 95%CI -0.2–0.2
teacher: β = -0.1, 95%CI -0.3–0.2
Oddy 26 Australia 2010 Cohort 2,868 Child (2, 5, and 8 years old) Adolescent (10, and 14 years old) NEBF < 6 months versus ≥ 6 months Total behavior Internalizing behavior Externalizing behavior (CBCL)
Abnormal: ≥ 60th percentile
Sociodemographic: family income, maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, stressful events in pregnancy, postnatal depression
Child: sex, proportion of optimal birth weight
1) Total behavior problems - 2 to 14 years:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.09–1.62
β = 1.45, 95%CI 0.59–2.30, p = 0.001
2) Internalizing behavior problems - 2 to 1 4 years:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.21, 95%CI 1.00–1.46
β = 0.92, 95%CI 0.1 5–1.68, p = 0.019
3) Externalizing behave problems - 2 to 14 years:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.23, 95%CI 1.01–1.49
β = 1.33, 95%CI 0.51–2.15, p = 0.001
Chiu 39 Taiwan 2011 Cohort 14,621 Child (18 months) NEBF < 1 month 1 - < 3 months 3- < 6 months ≥ 6 months versus non-breastfed Personal/social skills (Denver Development Screening Test)
Abnormal: > 90th percentile
Sociodemographic: family structure, income and urbanicity, maternal age, maternal education, maternal country of origin, maternal working situation
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, gestational age
Child: birth order, birth weight, sex, primary caregiver
1) Personal/social skills:
< 1 month: OR = 1.02, 95%CI 0.86–1.20
1 at < 3 months: OR = 0.97, 95%CI 0.82–1.15
3 at < 6 months: OR = 0.83, 95%CI 0.68–1.00
≥ 6 months: OR = 0.76, 95%CI 0.64–0.90
Heikkila 29 United Kingdom 2011 Cohort 9,525 term children Child (5 years old) NEBF < 2 months 2- < 4 months ≥ 4 months EBF < 2 months 2- < 4 months ≥ 4 months versus non-breastfed Total behavior Hyperactivity Emotional symptoms Conduct disorder Peer problems Prosocial behavior (SDQ)
Abnormal: > 90th percentile
Sociodemographic: family socioeconomic position, maternal age, maternal education, baby's birth order
Mother: mental health, smoking in pregnancy, alcohol in pregnancy
Child: mother-baby attachment, admission to neonatal unit, type of childcare the child attended and age when the child started childcare
1) Total behavior problems:
NEBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.67, 95%CI 0.54–0.83
EBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.61, 95%CI 0.45–0.83
2) Hyperactivity:
NEBF 2- < 4 months: OR = 0.65, 95%CI 0.43–1.00
EBF 2- < 4 months: OR = 0.68, 95%CI 0.48–0.95
3) Emotional symptoms:
NEBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.78, 95%CI 0.55–1.10
EBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.63, 95%CI 0.39–1.00
4) Conduct disorder:
NEBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.56–0.89
EBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.56–0.89
5) Peer problems:
NEBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.90, 95%CI 0.75–1.08
EBF ≥ 4 months: OR 0.81, 95%CI 0.65–1.02
6) Prosocial behavior:
NEBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.85, 95%CI 0.45–1.63
EBF ≥ 4 months: OR = 0.48, 95%CI 0.20–1.18
Shelton 32 United Kingdom and United States 2011 Retrospective Cohort 870 Child (6 years old) NEBF Conduct disorder (SDQ) Sociodemographic: maternal education
Mother: smoking in pregnancy, antisocial behavior, multiple birth status
Child: time in a special care baby unit, birth weight, age, sex
1) Conduct disorder:
total sample: β = -0.28, 95%CI -0.49- -0.08
genetically related mother-child: β = -0.33, 95%CI -0.56- -0.09
genetically unrelated mother-child: β = -0.09, 95%CI -0.55–0.38
Cable 31 United Kingdom 2012 Cohort 6,205 Adolescent (10 years old) NEBF ≥ 1 month versus < 1 month Total behavior (Rutter Behavior Scale) Sociodemographic: maternal marital status, parity, maternal age, maternal education, baby's birth order 1) Overall effect of NEBF:
men: β = -0.025, p > 0.05
women: β = -0.203, p < 0.05
Hayatbakhsh 28 Australia 2012 Cohort 4,502 Adolescent (14 years) NEBF < 4 months ≥ 4 months versus non-breastfed Anxiety/depression Withdrawal problems Social problems Somatic complaints Thought problems Attention problems Aggression Delinquency (YSR) Sociodemographic: maternal age, maternal education, maternal marital status, planned pregnancy
Mother: anxiety, depression, smoking in pregnancy, alcohol in pregnancy
Child: sex
1) Anxiety/depression:
NEBF < 4 months: β = -0.14, 95%CI -0.49–0.20
NEBF ≥ 4 months: β = -0.35, 95%CI -0.69–0.01
2) Social problems:
NEBF < 4 months: β = -0.1 7, 95%CI -0.34- -0.01
NEBF ≥ 4 months: β = -0.26, 95%CI -0.43- -0.09
3) Attention problems:
NEBF < 4 months: β = -0.23, 95%CI -0.47–0.02
NEBF ≥ 4 months: β = -0.39, 95%CI -0.64- -0.14
4) Aggression:
NEBF < 4 months: β =-0.15, 95%CI -0.59–0.29
NEBF ≥ 4 months: β = -0.48, 95%CI -0.93- -0.04
5) Delinquency:
NEBF < 4 months: β = -0.08, 95%CI -0.27–0.12
NEBF ≥ 4 months: β = -0.16, 95%CI -0.36–0.04
Did not present adjusted analyses for: withdrawal problems, somatic complaints, thought problems.
Kwok 42 Hong Kong 2013 Cohort 5,598 Adolescent (11 years old) NEBF < 3 months EBF ≥ 3 months versus non-breastfed Total behavior Conduct disorder Emotional symptoms Hyperactivity (Rutter Behavior Scale)
Abnormal: ≥ 97th percentile
Sociodemographic: family income, mother's birthplace, parental age, parental education, baby's birth order
Child: sex, birth weight-for-gestational age, age at assessment, secondhand smoke exposure.
1) Total behavior problems:
NEBF < 3 months: OR = 1.25, 95%CI 1.10–1.44, β = 0.10, 95%CI 0.05–0.16
EBF ≥ 3 months: OR = 1.60, 95%CI 0.80–1.40, β = 0.04, 95 % CI -0.07–0.1 5
2) Conduct disorder:
NEBF < 3 months: OR = 1.63, 95%CI 1.20–2.20, β = 0.10, 95 %CI 0.04–0.16
EBF ≥ 3 months: OR = 1.30, 95%CI 0.69–2.46, β = 0.13, 95 %CI 0.02–0.25
3) Emotional symptoms:
NEBF < 3 months: OR = 1.05, 95%CI 0.82–1.35, β = 0.04, 95%CI -0.02–0.10
EBF ≥ 3 months: OR = 0.94, 95%CI 0.55–1.62, β = -0.01, 95%CI -0.12–0.10
4) Hyperactivity:
NEBF < 3 months: OR = 1.26, 95%CI 0.85–1.89, β = 0.06, 95%CI 0.01–0.12
EBF ≥ 3 months: OR = 0.68, 95%CI 0.24–1.92, β = -0.07, 95%CI -0.19–0.04
McCrory 38 Ireland 2013 Cohort 11,134 Child (9 months old) EVER BF NEBF ≤ 1 week 2 weeks at < 1 month 1 - < 3 months 3- < 6 months ≥ 6 months EBF ≤ 1 week 2 weeks at < 1 month 1 - < 3 months 3- < 6 months = 6 months > 6 months versus non-breastfed Personal-social ability (ASQ) Sociodemographic: household social class, occupational classification, maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal educational, ethnicity/racial
Mother: smoking in pregnancy Child: birth weight, gestational age
1) Breastfeeding:
Ever BF: OR = 1.38, 95%CI 1.23–1.54
NEBF ≤ 1 week: OR = 1.24, 95%CI 1.04–1.48
NEBF 2 weeks at < 1 m: OR = 1.58, 95%CI 1.22–2.05
NEBF 1 at < 3 months: OR = 1.29, 95%CI 1.09–1.53
NEBF 3 at < 6 months: OR = 1.28, 95%CI 1.07–1.54
NEBF ≥ 6 months: OR = 1.64, 95%CI 1.35–2.01
2) Exclusive breastfeeding:
EBF ≤ 1 week: OR = 0.71, 95%CI 0.52–0.97
EBF < 1 month: OR = 0.91, 95%CI 0.64–1.39
EBF 1 at < 3 months: OR = 0.78, 95%CI 0.58–1.04
EBF 3 at < 6 months: OR = 0.89, 95%CI 0.67–1.18
EBF = 6 months: OR = 1.75, 95%CI 1.35–2.28
EBF > 6 months: OR = 1.27, 95%CI 0.90–1.80
Lind 33 United States 2014 Cohort 1,442 Child (6 years old) NEBF < 6 months; NEBF ≥ 6 months + EBF < 3 months; NEBF ≥ 6 months + EBF ≥ 3 months; versus non-breastfed Total behavior Hyperactivity Emotional symptoms Conduct disorder Peer problems Prosocial behavior (SDQ)
Abnormal: > 90th percentile
Sociodemographic: poverty-to-income ratio, maternal ethnicity, maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education, baby's birth order
Mother: pre-pregnancy BMI, postpartum depression, smoking in the first year
Child: gestational age, participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program, birth weight, sex
1) Total behavior problems:
NEBF < 6 m: OR= 1.25, 95%CI 0.67–2.34
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 1.19, 95%CI 0.60–2.35
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.76, 95%CI 0.33–1.78
2) Hyperactivity:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.45, 95%CI 0.70–3.02
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 1.1 7, 95%CI 0.53–2.54
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.99, 95%CI 0.41–2.38
3) Emotional symptoms:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.04; 95%CI 0.59–1.81
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 1.39, 95%CI 0.77–2.49
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.78, 95%CI 0.39–1.55
4) Conduct disorder:
- NEBF < 6 m: OR = 1.08, 95%CI 0.60–1.95
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 0.87, 95%CI 0.45–1.69
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.42, 95%CI 0.1 7–1.02
5) Peer problems:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 0.72, 95%CI 0.38–1.34
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 0.50, 95%CI 0.25–1.03
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.70, 95%CI 0.33–1.51
6) Prosocial behavior:
NEBF < 6 m: OR = 0.65, 95%CI 0.35–1.21
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF < 3 m: OR = 0.53, 95%CI 0.27–1.04
NEBF ≥ 6 m + EBF ≥ 3 m: OR = 0.61, 95%CI 0.30–1.27
Liu 36 China 2014 Cohort 1,267 Child (6 years old) EBF versus
Emotionally reactive Anxious/Depressed Somatic Complaints Withdrawn Internalizing behavior CBCL Sociodemographic: house size, neighborhood, parental education, parents occupation, maternal marital status, presence of biological mother
Parents: health status, obstetric complication, (bleeding, hypertension, diabetes, caesarian section, difficult birth)
Child: birth weight, difficulty breathing
1) Emotionally reactive:
EBF: β = -0.092, p = 0.168
2) Anxious/Depressed:
EBF: β =-0.091, p = 0.175
3) Somatic complaints:
EBF: β = -0.153, p = 0,025
4) Withdrawn:
EBF: β = -0.105, p = 0.11
5) Internalizing behavior:
EBF: β = -0.137, p = 0.04
Boucher 41 Spain 2016 Cohort 1,346 Child (4 years old) NEBF
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder DSM-IV Sociodemographic: social class, parental education, country of mother's birth,
Mother: parity, age, smoking in pregnancy, verbal IQ proxy, psychopathology
Child: age, sex, cohort, birth weight, child care
1) Attention symptoms:
NEBF: β = -0.01, 95%CI -0.02–0.00
EBF: β = -0.01, 95%CI -0.04–0.02
2) Hyperactivity symptoms:
NEBF: β = -0.01, 95%CI -0.02–0.00
EBF: β = -0.01, 95%CI -0.04–0.02
Jackson 34 United States 2016 Cohort 648 pair Child (4 years old) NEBF
NEBF versus genetic risk
NEBF < 6 months
NEBF < 6 months versus genetic risk
Conduct disorder Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (PKBS-2) Sociodemographic: index annual household income, maternal education, female-headed household, parental involvement
Mother: age, postpartum depression
Child: age, race, sex, attachment security, birth weight
1) Conduct disorder:
NEBF: β = 0.030, p > 0.05
NEBF x genetic risk: β = 0.076, p < 0.01
NEBF < 6 months: β = 0.025, p > 0.05
NEBF < 6 months x genetic risk: β = 0.076, p < 0.01

EBF: exclusive breastfeeding; NEBF: non-exclusive breastfeeding; CBCL: Child Behavior Checklist; SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; BMI: body mass index; β: linear regression coefficient; ASQ: Ages and Stages Questionnaire; PKBS-2: Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales; YSR: Youth Self Report; β: linear regression coefficient; Df: difference in means; RR: relative risk