Fig 2. Example outputs and unit activities.
A network of 300 units trained with full-FORCE (a & b) and FORCE (c & d) on the oscillation task. (a) fout(t) (black dotted) and z(t) (orange) for a network trained with full-FORCE. (b) Unit activities (orange) for 5 units from the full-FORCE-trained network compared with the target activities for these units provided by the target-generating network (black dotted). (c) fout(t) (black dotted) and z(t) (blue) for a network trained with FORCE. (d) Unit activities (orange) for 5 units from the FORCE-trained network compared with same target activities shown in b (black dotted). Because the random matrix used in the FORCE network was JD, activities in a functioning FORCE network should match the activities from the target-generating network.