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. 2018 Jan;19(1):6–24. doi: 10.1631/jzus.B1700260

Table 1.

Summaries of selected radiomics studies

Author (year) Objective of study Radiomics features Techniques used Performance
Computed tomography
Hunter et al. (2013) Identify radiomics features that are consistent across multiple diagnostic tools Geometry, intensity histogram, absolute gradient image, textural features Hierarchical clustering, dice similaritycoefficient, Jaccard index, CCC Feature reproducibility is depended on the machine and images
Velazquez et al. (2013) Evaluate the clinical applicability of a semiautomatic segmentation method 3D-Slicer algorithm It is noted that 3D-Slicer illustrated high agreement, smaller uncertainty areas, and lower volume differences as compared to manual slice delineation
Aerts et al. (2014) Assess the correlation of radiomics features with clinical data and the predictive capability of radiomics features Intensity histogram, shape, textural features, wavelet features Friedman test, Wilcoxon test, Kaplan-Meier analysis It is concluded that radiomics features possess prognostic capability
Balagurunathan et al. (2014b) Assess the reproducibility of quantitative imaging features Intensity histogram, textural features, Laws’ kernels features Test-retest CCC, Kaplan-Meier plot Texture features are statistically significant
Balagurunathan et al. (2014a) Assess the reproducibility of image features Morphological features, first-order features, wavelets feature CCC, dynamic range, redundancy reduction, weighted Kappa index, optical threshold linear discriminant analysis, ROC curve It is concluded that most features show high reproducibility with semi-automated segmentation
Fried et al. (2014) Investigate if pre-treatment textural features can enhance the predictive capability in stage III non-small cell lung cancer Intensity histogram, textural features Kaplan-Meier curves, leave-one-out cross-validation, CCC Pre-treatment textural features have better predictive values
Parmar et al. (2014) Evaluate the performance of using 3D-Slicer Intra-class correlation coefficient Radiomics features obtained from 3D-Slicer had notably higher reproducibility than those from manual delineation
Hawkins et al. (2014) Propose an automated prognostic model Intensity histogram, textural features, geometric features Decision tree, leave-one-out cross-validation Accuracy=77.50%
Coroller et al. (2015) Prognostic capability to identify distant metastasis for lung adenocarcinoma patients Intensity histogram, shape and texture Laplacian of Gaussian filter, wavelet filter, minimum relevance feature selection Radiomics features possess strong prognostic capability
Parmar et al. (2015a) Compare radiomics features across different cancer types Intensity histogram, shape, textural and wavelet features Consensus clustering, ROC analysis, concordance index, logistic regression, Jaccard index Radiomics features possess clustering and prognostic characteristics
Parmar et al. (2015b) Assess the different feature selection and classification methods in terms of their performance and prognostic capability Intensity histogram, textural features Various feature selection and classification techniques implemented It is concluded that conditional infomax feature extraction, minimum redundancy maximum relevance, and mutual information feature selection produced the highest stability and predictive capability
Cunliffe et al. (2015) Investigate the correlation of radiation dose and radiomics features and the capability of radiomics features in the analysis of radiation pneumonitis Textural features, fractal features Laws’ filters, linear regression model, ANOVA, ROC curve Radiomics is a promising methodology that can diagnose patients with radiation pneumonitis
Mackin et al. (2015) Study the variability between different CT scanners Textural features General Electric, Philips, Siemens, and Toshiba scanners, feature noise introduced It is verified that the variability in features corresponded in the variability seen in the radiomics features obtained from the images
Mattonen et al. (2016) Physician assessment versus radiomic assessment in the detection of local cancer recurrence for lung cancer First-order statistics features, textural features PRTools 5.0 (Delft Pattern Recognition Research, Delft) was utilised for feature selection and classification, leave-one-out cross-validation, SVM classifier Radiomics can detect early changes associated with local recurrence
Mattonen et al. (2015) Analysis of features for prognostic capability of lung cancer recurrence Textural features PRTools 5.0 (Delft Pattern Recognition Research, Delft) was utilised for classification, Wilcoxon signed rank test High prognostic accuracy using GLCM
Wang et al. (2016) Initiate and evaluate a normalised set of features obtained from CT images and their correlations with overall survival Lexicon of BI-RADS, Fleischner Society as a guide to establish features Weighted Kappa index, Kaplan-Meier analysis, CART classifier, PCA It was reported that textural features are important in the characterisation of lung adenocarcinomas
Fave et al. (2015) Validate the usefulness of predictive models using radiomics features extracted from CT images Textural features CCC analysis Certain radiomics features are resistant to poor-quality CBCT images and noises
Huynh et al. (2016) Analyse stereotactic body radiation therapy with lung cancer Textural, shape, and statistical features PCA, factor analysis, Wilcoxon rank-sum test Radiomics features possess the potential to be predictive
Szigeti et al. (2016) Propose an innovative technique to diagnose lung diseases Nonlinear features Radiomics-based fractal dimension analysis, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney post hoc test, Gaussian curves It is reported that the proposed method is promising and can be implemented in clinical practices
Coroller et al. (2016) Investigate if pre-treatment radiomics features have the prognostic capability in non-small cell lung cancer Textural features Wilcoxon-test, Kaplan-Meier analysis, logistic regression, ROC curve Radiomics features are predictive
Zhao et al. (2016) Investigate the reproducibility of radiomics features Intensity histogram, morphological features, textural features Gabor energy, wavelets, Laplacian of Gaussian, model-based feature of fractal dimension, CCC analysis It is noted that radiomics features are reproducible over different algorithms
Yang et al. (2016) Analyse quantitative imaging features in lung tumours Intensity histogram, textural features, geometric shape CCC analysis, Spearman’s correlation, PCA, edge-preserving smoothing filter Texture features could be utilised for predictive analysis in the future
Song et al. (2016) Investigate if tumour heterogeneity of non-small cell lung cancer can be predicted with radiomics Textural features Statistical analysis Radiomics has prognostic capability for clinical aided diagnosis
Wu et al. (2016) Identify the classifiers for radiomics in lung cancer histology Intensity histogram, shape features, textural features Twenty-four feature selection methods, random forest classifier, naïve Bayes classifier, K-NN classifier, ROC curve Naïve Bayes classifier performed the best; the area under ROC curve: accuracy=0.72
Fave et al. (2016) Evaluate how different image pre-processing techniques may impact the predictive outcome in univariate analysis Intensity histogram, textural features Harrell’s concordance index (c-index), Benjamini-Hochberg procedure Pre-processing of CT images has an impact on the volume dependence of a feature
He et al. (2016) Examine the effects of contrast-enhancement, reconstruction slice thickness, and convolution kernel on the diagnosis performance of radiomics Textural features Laplacian of Gaussian spatial band-pass filter, statistical analysis, Mann-Whitney U-test It is noted that contrast-enhancement, reconstruction slice thickness, and convolution kernel affect the performance of radiomics
Emaminejad Develop a new quantitative image feature analysis scheme and Textural features Naïve Bayesian network-based classifier, leave-one-case-out cross-validation, synthetic minority oversampling technique Accuracy=80.00%
Liang et al. (2016) Review the prognostic ability of radiomics features for the staging of colorectal cancer Textural features Logistic regression model, Mann-Whitney U-test, ROC curve The area under ROC curve: accuracy=0.792; sensitivity=0.611; specificity=0.680
Huang et al. (2016) Justify the prognostic ability of lymph node metastasis in patients using radiomics nomogram Textural features Statistical analysis, multivariable logistic regression analysis Radiomics nomogram is proved to be useful in clinical settings
Kumar et al. (2016) Analyse an automatic liver segmentation Statistical parameter-based approach It is proven that the proposed method has prognostic capability

Magnetic resonance imaging
Egger et al. (2013) Assess the advantages of 3D-Slicer over manual segmentation Dice similarity coefficient, Hausdorff distance It is reported that 3D-Slicer is more time-efficient and is statistically comparable to manual segmentation
Zhou et al. (2014) Determine the differentiating ROIs within the tumour for clinical practices Textural features K-NN classifier K-NN classifier: accuracy=93.75%
Coquery et al. (2014) Assess the possibility if histologic properties can be extracted based on an automated analysis Gaussian mixture modelling, t-tests, linear discriminant analysis It is reported that the integration of spatial selection and cluster analysis can be implemented to form information obtained from the multiparametric MRI
Chaddad et al. (2015) Validate the effectiveness of features extracted from GLCM in glioblastoma phenotypes Textural features Nearest neighbour classifier Accuracy=75.58%; sensitivity=63.95%; specificity=90.69%
Chaudhury Validate a new method in the study of heterogeneity in breast cancer Textural kinetic features CCC-based random subspace method, naïve Bayes classifier, decision tree classifier, SVM classifier, Kappa statistic It was concluded that textural kinetic features were more prognostic than features obtained from the whole tumour
Upadhaya et al. (2015a) Study on multimodal MRI in glioblastoma multiforme Intensity histogram, textural features SVM classifier Accuracy=90.00%; sensitivity=85.00%; specificity=95.00%
Upadhaya et al. (2015b) Propose a workflow for a predictive model based on textural features Intensity histogram, textural features SVM classifier T1 pre-contrast: accuracy=60.00%; T1 post-contrast: accuracy=82.50%;T2: accuracy=72.50%;FLAIR: accuracy=75.00%; T1 pre-contrast/T1 post-contrast: accuracy=90.00%
Lee et al. (2015) Identify the correlation of radiomics features with EGFR-driven tumours Spatial diversity features Spatial diversity analysis, ROC curve, Characterising EGFR-driven tumours, the area under ROC curve: accuracy=0.790
Depeursinge et al. (2015) Assess the significance of intensity and textural features Nonlinear features, textural features Riesz wavelet, concordance index, SVM classifier, Cox-LASSO predictive model C-index=0.81±0.02. It is concluded that accuracy is better when features are extracted based on solid components of a tumour instead of the entire tumour
Khalvati et al. (2015) The automatic detection system of prostate cancer using texture features Statistical features, textural features, Gabor features Gabor filter, SVM classifier Proposed technique surpasses conventional model
Velazquez et al. (2015) Assess the predictive value of glioblastoma automatically segmented and compare it with manual segmentation VASARI features The brain tumour image analysis software was utilised, statistical analysis, Spearman rank correlation, CCC analysis, decision tree classifier It is reported that the automatically segmented datasets have potential in medical imaging research
Guo et al. (2015) Determine the efficiency of the prognostic outcome when combining genomic and radiomics features Morphological texture, kinetic curve assessment, enhancement-variance kinetic features Quantitative radiomics analysis, logistic regression, Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, cross-validation with ROC curve Radiomics features have prognostic capability in determining pathological stage
Chung et al. (2015) Present an innovative automated prostate detection algorithm Intensity histogram, textural features Radiomics-driven conditional random field framework, Kirsch edge detection, Gabor filters, SVM classifier Accuracy=91.17%; sensitivity=71.47%; specificity=91.93%
van den Burg et al. (2016) Analysis of labyrinth Intensity histogram Fourier DCT filter, edge detection, gradient orientation filter, entropy filter, Laplacian filter, ridge filter, discrete wavelet transform, image saliency filter, clustering components, morphological components, and binarize colour tone mapping There was significant statistical difference between normal and patients
Grossmann et al. (2016) Investigate the correlation of radiomics features and molecular pathways Volumetric features Gene expression, pathway analysis It is noted that radiomics features contain highly significant features

Positron emission tomography
Nair et al. (2012) Investigate radiogenomics with PET Textural features Student’s t-test, chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test, PCA, SUV, Kaplan-Meier curves It is noted that there is a correlation between gene signatures and features extracted with ʏ18һF-FDG
Leijenaar et al. (2013) Carry out a stability analysis of radiomics features in non-small cell lung carcinoma Intensity histogram, textural features SUV discretisation, ICC, non-parametric ANOVA Radiomics features possess prognostic capability
Leijenaar et al. (2015) Determine the importance of a standardised procedure in tumour texture analysis Textural features SUV discretisation, Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA Experiments showed the importance of standardised procedure in tumour texture analysis
Ypsilantis et al. (2015) Determine if machine learning techniques can predict cancer’s metabolic profile and compare the performance of machine learning algorithms with 3S-convolutional neural network Textural features Convolutional neural networks, SUV, PCA, SVM classifier, logistic regression Sensitivity=80.70%; specificity=81.60%. Convolutional neural networks possess better prognostic capability of response to therapy
Tixier et al. (2015) Compare the results of the visual and prognostic assessment in non-small cell lung cancer Textural features SUV, t-test, Spearman rank coefficient, Kaplan-Meier method, Cox regression model The assessments of both visual and prognostic using textural features are not contradictory to each other
Nyflot et al. (2015) Study the influence of stochastic outcome on textural features Intensity histogram, textural features Power analysis It is concluded that protocols should be implemented to ensure that textural features extracted are standardised
Grootjans et al. (2016) Investigate the effect of respiratory gating and noises in PET images Textural features Fuzzy locally adaptive Bayesian segmentation algorithm, ranking tests It is reported that textural features in this work are resilient in the existence of respiratory motion
Lian et al. (2016) Propose a novel methodology for the prognostic tool in PET imaging Textural features, SUV-based features SUV, Dempster-Shafer theory for feature selection, ADASYN, K-NN classifier Proposed methodology showed promising results

Positron emission tomography/computed tomography
Cheebsumon et al. (2012) Comparing PET-and CT-based methods to pathology SUV, statistical analysis Diameter from PET-based delineation has reported a more similar result with pathology as compared to CT-based delineation
Yoon et al. (2015) Discover the predictors of tumours for lung adenocarcinoma Morphological features, histogram-based, regional, and local features Chi-squared test, Student’s t-test, SUV, ten-fold cross-validation method This methodology has potential to be utilised in clinical practice
Oliver et al. (2015) Investigate the difference of image features between RG and 3D images Sphericity, spherical disproportion, entropy, sum entropy, textural features SUV, long axis calculation and rotation analysis It is reported that features obtained from 3D and RG images are different
van Velden et al. (2016) Evaluate the impact of reconstruction techniques and the delineation of radiomics features in non-small cell lung cancer Fractal features, textural features SUV, statistical analysis, Wilcoxon signed-rank test It is noted that the performance of radiomics features is better in delineation than that of applied reconstruction technique
Bailly et al. (2016) Assess the robustness of textural features Textural features SUV, coefficient of variation, one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD test SUV-based metrics (energy, entropy, RP, and ZP) are found to be robust features
Desseroit et al. (2016) Initiate a nomogram by blending clinical and imaging features Textural features SUV, Kaplan-Meier method, log-rank test Textural features can be used to create a nomogram but need to be further validated

Positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging
Vallières et al. (2015) Develop a joint FDG-PET/CT and MRI texture-based model for early diagnosis of lung metastasis risk Textural features SUV, discrete wavelet transform, wavelet band-pass filtering, logistic regression, multivariable analysis, ROC curve The area under ROC curve: accuracy=98.4%; sensitivity=95.5%; specificity=92.6%
Antunes et al. (2016) Investigate the capability of radiomics features in FLT-PET and MRI Filtered-based, entropy and textural features from PET images Sobel and Kirsch edge filters, Gaussian low-pass filter, SUV, Bhattacharyya distance Radiomics has potential to be an effective tool for categorising treatment response in PET/MRI

Acharya et al. (2016b) Propose a novel algorithm to accurately classify non-alcoholic fatty liver disease DCT Radon transform, fuzzy sugeno, fatty liver disease index Accuracy=100.00%; sensitivity=100.00%; specificity=100.00%
Acharya et al. (2016c) Develop an automated thyroid screening system Entropies Gabor transform, statistical analysis, C4.5 decision tree Accuracy=94.30%
Acharya et al. (2016a) Assess the reliability and robustness of an automated fatty liver disease and cirrhosis diagnosis system Higher-order spectra and entropies Probabilistic neural network, liver disease index Accuracy=97.33%;sensitivity=96.00%;specificity=100.00%
Acharya et al. (2017) Evaluate the performance of a new ultrasonography procedure Second-order statistics Quadratic discriminant analysis, shear wave breast cancer risk index Accuracy=93.59%; sensitivity=90.41%; specificity=96.39%
Raghavendra et al. (2017) Develop a computer-aided diagnosis system to automatically differentiate the different stages of thyroid cancer Textural features SVM, thyroid clinical risk index Accuracy=97.52%; sensitivity=90.32%; specificity=98.57%
Ma et al. (2017a) Initiate and assess an automated thyroid nodules detection system Convolutional neural network The area under ROC curve: accuracy=98.51%
Ma et al. (2017b) Propose a hybrid approach to automatically classify benign and malignant thyroid nodules Convolutional neural network Accuracy=83.02%; sensitivity=82.41%; specificity=84.96%

CCC: concordance correlation coefficient; ROC: receiver operating characteristic; ANOVA: analysis of variance; SVM: support vector machine; GLCM: grey level co-occurrence matrix; CT: computed tomography; BI-RADS: breast imaging reporting and data system; CART: classification and regression tree; PCA: principal component analysis; CBCT: cone beam computed tomography; K-NN: K-nearest neighbour; ROI: region of interest; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR: fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; VASARI: Visually Accessible Rembrandt Images; DCT: discrete cosine transform; SUV: standardised uptake value; ICC: intraclass correlation; PET: positron-emission tomography; ADASYN: adaptive synthetic; HSD: honest significant difference; FDG: fludeoxyglucose; FLT: fluorothymidine