Figure 5.
Ion intensity maps of select analytes associated with SVZ layers. Spatial distributions are shown for select lipid ions that were identified as statistically co-localised with the ependymal layer (a), the hypocellular layer (b) and the myelin layer (c), respectively, when compared to the three other SVZ layers in each circumstance. Lipid signal intensities in each MALDI sampling position are scaled to the maximum signal intensity for each lipid across all sampling positions, with mild denoising applied to the images within the SCiLS Lab software. The positions of the ependyma of the lateral wall (LW) and the medial wall (MW) of the ventricle are indicated within post-MALDI HE-LFB stains. Scale bar: 250 µm. PC = phosphatidylcholine, CL = cardiolipin, SM = sphingomyelin, PI-Cer = ceramide phosphoinositol.