An extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) generated from the product ion m/z 193.122 that is found in 15-F2-isoprostanes (A). A magnified chromatogram focusing on RT 18 to 22 minutes is shown below (B). An XIC for product ion m/z 193.122 shows a single peak at RT 20.14 minutes from the PGF2α standard (10ng/ml) (C). MS/MS product ion spectrum of the PGF2α standard (D). MS/MS product ion spectrum of m/z 353.2323 at RT 20.8 minutes (E). MS/MS product ion spectrum of m/z 353.232 at RT 20.2 minutes (F). This spectrum contains overlapping isobaric precursor ions, possibly a steroidal sulfate(s), as evidenced by m/z 96.960 (HSO4−). Panels A, B, E, and F are from a single control patient. An XIC for a second control patient is shown in Supplemental Fig. 1B. Cps, counts per second.