Figure 2. Estrous cyclicality was impaired in epileptic animals.
A: Cytology of vaginal swabs illustrating the four stages of estrous cycle. Presence of nucleated cells (arrows) marked the proestrus stage (a), the estrus stage (b) was characterized by a smear consisting of non-nucleated cornified cells (arrows), metestus stage (c) had all 3 cell types (N-nucleated, C-cornified, L-lymphocytes), and diestrus stage (d) was marked by the presence of lymphocytes. B: Percentage of animals with a regular cycle or irregular cycle (>2 days in one stage) and acyclic animals, n=8 epileptic and 10 naïve animals, * p<0.05 vs corresponding fraction in the naïve animals, Chi-square test. C: Serum progesterone levels in epileptic animals (8.7 ± 2.8 ng/ml, n= 7) compared to those in non-epileptic animals (20.3 ± 2.3, n= 6, * p= 0.02, student’s t-test (t=2.73 df=11)). D: Comparison of the rise in progesterone levels in non-epileptic (2.0 ± 0.5) and epileptic animals (3.4 ± 0.5) treated with PMSG and β-HCG. The serum progesterone levels on the 8th day of β-HCG administration were expressed relative to those before PMSG administration (n= same as in C).