Design, fabrication and characterization of micropatterned tubular 3D matrix. (a) Schematic of the electrospinning and laser-guided micropatterning processes to fabricate 3D nanofibrous tubular gelatin matrices. (b) Schematic of odontoblasts aligned on the interface between dentin and pulp and the extension of their long processes deep inside the dentinal tubules. (c, d) SEM images of human tubular dentin. In (c), the dentin tubules were filled with resin and acid-etched to retain the long process of odontoblasts in the tubules. After removal of the mineral and odontoblast processes, the collagen nanofibers surrounding the dentinal tubules were clearly seen in image (d). (e) A typical SEM image of the micropatterned tubular gelatin matrix, (f) High magnification of (e), showing the nanofibrous gelatin matrix. (g) Confocal image of the tubular gelatin matrix. The longitudinal section image of the matrix indicates that the tubular pores are completely open.